Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A chair of bowlies

Life throws twists and turns-- and no matter how hard we try to make a plan, it changes. I read somewhere: "You want God to laugh at you? Make a plan". That seems to be the motto of my life. Just when I think I've got it figured out, something happens. Things change. So what's the next trick up the Big Man's sleeve?


  1. I ask myself that every day.

    What's next Big Man, huh, HUH?

    But that kind sounds like I'm egging Him on.

    Bad news bears.

  2. Kim! I'm so glad you started a blog! Seriously a genius move!

    There is a song by Sondre Lerche which says, "baby, be prepared to be surprised". Change is awesome- and the surprise is always worth it!

    Love you Kimmy! I miss you!
